You might be considering purchasing one, or maybe you’re just interested in learning more about the Exotic bullies, An entirely new dog breed formed by crossing multiple types of Bully dogs in 2008.
If so, then you must know that!
Most bully breeders feel that the Exotic Bully has the most sought-after characteristics out of all of the available bully varieties.
They have less body fat, more muscle, a larger head, a rounder face, and more wrinkles than other dogs, but they are smaller overall. Because of this, we refer to them as “exotic.”
They come in 20 different hues and have a shorter lifespan because of the health risks that they bring.
Despite the fact that many have come to follow and appreciate the Exotic Bully, some people still have a negative view of the Exotic Bully and believe they are nothing special. Continue reading to learn more about this unresolved debate!
The Exotic Bully is a breed of dog that is comparable to the American Bully in Appearance but has some distinguishing traits that set it apart from the original American Bullies.They are known to have the extravagant as well as the more exaggerated characteristics of smaller Bulldog breeds, including the English Bulldog the French Bulldog, and the Shorty Bull.
Breeders have consistently introduced new and different breeds into the Bull type over the years. Because of this, the dog took on an entirely new and garish appearance, which eventually evolved into the Exotic Bully that we are familiar with today.
The distinctive characteristics of an Exotic Bull are more pronounced than those of other types of Bulls.
To give just a few examples, their heads are noticeably larger, their chests are significantly broader, and their muzzles are noticeably shorter. Even though they are not particularly large, they have the appearance of having more muscle.
History and Origin of Exotic Bullies
The first pup of Exotic Bullies was bred in 2008, and their purpose was to serve as a variant of the American Bully breed.
Following a period of five years during which selective breeding was practiced, they were eventually acknowledged as their own breed by a number of different kennel clubs.
In 2013, in particular, the United States Bully Registry started giving recognition to this breed.
The distinctive appearance of these Bullies, which is strikingly dissimilar to that of other Bullies, is what gives them their exotic status.
The size was one of the few characteristics they did not acquire more of over time.
The French Bulldog and the English Bulldog are both smaller breeds than the American Bulldog, which is one reason for the American Bulldog’s smaller size. There are some dogs that look more like miniature Bulldogs than they do like Americans.
Love Your Bully? Wear It On Your Sleeve!
Fully Grown Exotic Bullies
Exotic Bullies are significantly smaller and lighter than their American counterparts, despite the fact that they have a similar appearance and name. The positive side of things, however, is that they have maintained a healthy muscle tone and body size.Exotic Bullies can typically reach a height of up to 13 inches when they have reached their full adult size. In terms of their body mass, they can typically range anywhere from 30 to 50 pounds.The sizes that they actually are may still vary slightly, but they will almost always fall within this range of averages.
Check out the list that follows for a more in-depth examination of their structural features:
Exotic Bullies – Physical Appearance
Head: Their heads are relatively large in comparison to the rest of their bodies.
Skull: The skulls of these individuals are very broad, square, and short.
Eyes: Exotic Bullies have eyes in the shape of an oval, and they can come in a wide variety of colors. Additionally, there is a significant distance between each of their eyes.
Ears: Their ears have a rose-like shape, are of average size, and are typically positioned high on their heads. They are available in both their natural and cropped forms.
Nose: Their noses are typically broad and flat, and their nostrils are spaced far apart. They also come in a plethora of different hues to choose from, all of which are appropriate to use.
Muzzle: The muzzle of this dog is short, wide, and not very deep. In addition to that, it has some wrinkles.
Legs: The bones in the front legs are typically large and round, and the muscles in the front legs are typically straight. They are also located a significant distance apart from one another.
Chest: The chests of these dogs are typically very deep and wide.
Neck: The neck should be sufficiently broad and robust to support their disproportionately large heads.
Coats: Exotic Bullies have coats that are relatively short and quite coarse. They might also have a slightly glossy appearance to them. They are available in a wide range of hues, such as chocolate, white, black, and tricolor, among others.
In the following section, we have gone into detail regarding the different color varieties of exotic bullies!!
Different Coat Colors of Exotic Bullies?
The fact that this breed’s coat can be nearly any color is one of the breed’s many appealing qualities.
Because they come in such a wide variety of hues, it won’t be hard for you to find a puppy that stands out from the rest.
Any color or pattern, with the exception of merle, on an Exotic Bully, is acceptable, as far as the various dog registries and kennel clubs are concerned. There are more than 20 distinct coat colors and patterns, which include the following:
1. Black
2. Cream
3. Gray
4. Chocolate
5. Blue
6. Red
7. White
8. Tri-Color
9. Brindle
Merle is a color that is generally not accepted as standard due to the controversy surrounding its possible health effects.
In particular, dogs that inherit two copies of the merle gene have an increased probability of developing vision and hearing impairments as a result of the gene’s presence.
Breeders with a good reputation put in a lot of effort to produce healthy Exotic Bully puppies that do not inherit two copies of the merle gene.
The brindle pattern is yet another fascinating possibility for the Exotic Bully. In most cases, these dogs have darker stripes on top of a lighter base coat, such as fawn. Each dog has its own distinct pattern of tiger stripes, which lends an exotic air to the pups.
What Is a Clean Exotic Bully?
A clean Exotic Bully is one that has been kept clean, does not make a mess, and does not have any problems.
In other words, it still has the Appearance of an Exotic Bully, with all of the classic characteristics that you are familiar with, such as its short and compact frame, its exaggerated features, and the rest of its characteristics.
Aside from the “cleaner version,” there are no documented abnormalities like a sloping skull, snippy nose, weak lower jaw, overshot or undershot bite, an abnormally large body, a curly coat, or any other features like these.
The following are some of the characteristics that are desired in a Clean Exotic Bully:
1. Its height is no more than thirteen inches.
2. The muzzle is no more than two inches in length.
3. It is condensed but muscular despite its small size.
4. Its height and length are virtually identical to one another.
5. Both an underbite and a clean bite are acceptable dental configurations.
6. There is a lot of definition in the cheek muscles.
You can visit the website of the US Bully Registry if you would like to see a more comprehensive list of the desirable characteristics of a Clean Exotic Bully.
What Is a “Pocket Exotic Bully”?
It is possible to create exotic bullies by crossing multiple breeds of dog together. The term “Exotic Pocket Pitbull” is sometimes used to refer to a puppy that is an Exotic Pocket Bully but whose parents are Pitbulls.In a similar vein, a dog whose ancestry includes American Bully blood is referred to as an Exotic Pocket American Bully.
What Is a “Micro Exotic Bully”?
The exotic micro bully is the smallest version of this breed that is recognized as meeting the criteria for standardization.They should be no taller than 17 inches, and in most cases, they are even shorter than 13 inches. Although there isn’t one that’s universally recognized, people generally agree that their weight should be in proportion to their height.
They should not weigh more than 40 pounds if they are to be classified as Micro and stand around 13 inches tall.
Because there is no one standard rule for their weight that is acknowledged by everyone, the weight of these dogs can differ slightly from one dog registry or kennel club to another. However, they are all in agreement that the weight should be reasonable given the individual’s height and frame.
Temperament of Exotic Bullies: Are they suitable for life in a child’s home?
However, despite the fact that the Exotic Bully is generally regarded as a sociable pup, there are those who, at first glance, may find the breed to be a little bit frightening. Because they are such devoted pets, they adore the attention they receive and relish the opportunity to cuddle with their owners.They also get along well with people, including children, and this is not an exception. But you should keep a close eye on them whenever they are around the children.
Do not leave them alone with the younger children because children have a tendency to test the limits of dogs without understanding the repercussions of their actions.
Additionally, they get along fantastically with other puppies, and this is especially the case. If you start interacting with them while they’re young, you’ll have more opportunities. Therefore, if you already have other fur babies in your home, it shouldn’t be too difficult to get your Exotic Bully used to being around them.
Deformed Exotic Bully
Regardless of how much people love these dogs, the unfortunate reality is that they have been overbred to the point where their physical characteristics cause them a great deal of pain.
It would not be an exaggeration to state that these characteristics are more accurately described as malformations than as decorations.
A wide variety of animal welfare organizations and individuals who have a soft spot in their hearts for dogs have been vocal in their support for the implementation of more stringent breeding regulations in an effort to relieve some of the suffering endured by this and other dog breeds.
So, in what specific ways do they suffer? Continue reading to discover the answer!
Exotic Bully Lifespan and Health Issues
If they are produced in the appropriate manner, there shouldn’t be too much of an issue. On the other hand, you can be in for a lot of trouble in terms of their health if they were bred in an unethical way.The longevity of an Exotic Bully cannot be accurately predicted as a result of these factors. On the other hand, there are estimates that their maximum lifespan is barely five years.
The following is a list, which you may use as a reference, of their most prevalent health problems.
Back Problems: A healthy back is essential for a dog because it is their spine that allows them to move freely throughout their environment. This is especially the case for creatures that walk on all fours. In the event that your Exotic Bully is suffering from back pain, it is possible that they will be unable to walk normally, stand up, lie down, or play.
Hip dysplasia: Hip dysplasia is a condition that is more common in larger breeds of dogs; some get it as they get older. Hip dysplasia, often accompanied by bowing of the front and/or back legs, has been observed frequently in Exotic Bullies.
Joint Problems: The joints are the source of a great deal of discomfort for dogs. This condition manifests itself when your dog advances in age or possibly as a result of their growing weight. The majority of the time, veterinarians are dealing with this issue.
Brachycephalic: Brachycephalic is a pathological disease that typically affects flat-faced dogs like Exotic Bullies.
Brachycephalic can also affect other types of dogs. Because of their short nose, they have an occluded airway, which can occasionally lead to respiratory difficulties.
Because this is a problem that can worsen with time, taking care of dogs who have this health condition can be an extremely tough task.
Overheating: Overheating is another issue that is associated with the short-nosed face of the Exotic Bully.
They typically have a predisposition toward overheating and do not function well in environments that are warm or overheated. If you are interested in purchasing one of them, you should keep this information in mind because it is important.
Dental problems: Dental issues are another complication brought on by the brachycephalic skull, which can lead to the loss of teeth or the overcrowding of the dog’s mouth with an excessive number of teeth.
This results in discomfort and agony, difficulties with eating, and may even require the extraction of teeth.
Short Life: Exotic Bullies are noted for having a low life expectancy due to the fact that they are a relatively new breed that still needs some modifications. This results in a shorter life.
Ocular problems: There is a higher risk of birth defects and malformations in the eyes of these dogs. They have a greater chance of suffering from a variety of eye illnesses, any one of which can significantly impair their ability to see clearly.
Difference Between American and Exotic Bullies
After being subjected to five years of selective breeding, the characteristics and Appearance of these dogs finally diverged to such a degree that kennel associations began recognizing them as two distinct breeds of canine.The physical differences between these dogs, which have been influenced by the American, English, French, and Older English Bulldogs, have led to the recognition of this dog as a separate breed in recent years.
The US Bully Registry has adopted a policy that states Exotic Bullies cannot resemble American Bullies in Appearance.
The American Bully is a breed of dog that is typically about medium size but has a stocky and powerful physique.
When compared to their size, they have a stocky build, a deep chest, and incredible strength. Their coats are glossy and smooth, their heads are enormous, and their muzzles are broad. Their ears are held high, either naturally or after being cut.
The American Bully is the basis for the Exotic Bully, which is a smaller version of the American Bully.
Why Do Exotic Bullies have many layers of wrinkles?
The toned and strong bodies of Exotic Bullies exude an air of authority and command respect everywhere they go. The combination of this body type with a broad, flat face can give the impression that these dogs are rough and aggressive, but in reality, they are quite kind and affectionate pets.They would cuddle you and then attempt to attack you or cause you damage. There is a kind and loving heart hiding beneath those layers of wrinkles, and all it wants is to see its owner smile and be happy.
These dogs were bred specifically to be kept as pets and companions. They will never, under any circ*mstances, abandon you and come to your aid, and they will always love you unconditionally and completely. They have an amazing disposition toward others and are able to get along with almost anyone.
Why Do Exotic Bullies Become Overweight?
If you give your Exotic Bully an excessive amount of food, it will likely gain excess weight. When it comes to this breed, obesity can swiftly exacerbate the joint and cardiac problems that they already have.To maintain its health, your Exotic Bully will require a diet consisting of high-quality dry food. A substantial amount of protein and fat have to be included in this diet as well.
There are dog foods available that have been developed specifically for Bullies, and these foods help maintain their lean muscle mass and prevent them from losing their round, plump Appearance.
Keep in mind that the food you provide your dog should be adjusted based on its age and the amount of activity it gets.
Because old dogs do not expend as much energy as younger and more active dogs, the recipe for puppy food is different from that of food for adult dogs.
It is important that the amount of food they consume corresponds appropriately with the amount of exercise they engage in during the day.
Exotic Bully Care: What are the Essentials?
The act of introducing a new pet into the home is, in the eyes of many of us, equivalent to welcoming a new member of the family. Because of this, it is of the utmost need to be aware of how to properly care for them and get along well with them.The following are some suggestions that could be useful in relation to the matter:
1. Food and Diet
The diet of an exotic bully must be of the highest quality and include a significant amount of both protein and fat.
This is especially important for Exotics that are younger than one year old. There is a good selection of high-quality food available at the market; all you need to do is seek for items that have enough protein (at least 30 percent) and an adequate amount of fat (at least 20 percent).
2. Workouts and Physical Activity
Training an Exotic Bully is very important and should be started right immediately, from the moment that your puppy reaches home until it is fully matured, in order to achieve the best results.
They need to have many opportunities to interact with other people and animals, whether it’s with other dogs or other people. The sooner you get started on this, the better it will be.
3. Cleaning and Grooming
To our great relief, the process of maintaining personal hygiene wouldn’t be as challenging. Due to the fact that Exotic Bullies have extremely short and silky coats, they do not require a great deal of maintenance.
Since they never become tangled, you should only need to brush them once or twice each week at the most.
It should be sufficient to just give them a bath once every couple of months. However, in the event that they become exceptionally smelly and dirty, you will need to give them a bath in order to maintain their cleanliness.
In addition to this, their nails will need to be trimmed as needed, much like the nails of other dogs. You have the option of doing it yourself or having it done by specialists.
Which Bully Registries Currently Recognize the Exotic Bully?
Registration of your bully is essential if you want to be able to produce a documented pedigree for your exotic bully as well as title details for him. In addition to this, it will allow them to participate in sponsored events such as dog shows and competitions.Listed below are the registries that acknowledge the Exotic Bully as a distinct breed of Bully:
1. The American Bully Registry (ABR):
The American Bully Registry, also known simply as ABR, is among the most significant registries in terms of size that welcome Exotic Bullies.
On their website, they have made it quite obvious that they made the decision to comply with public demand and open their facilities to Exotic Bullies in order to provide a home for them.
2. The International Bully Coalition (IBC):
IBC, which stands for the International Bully Coalition, is a cynophilia event organizer in addition to being an organization that certifies dog registrations.
They are also the first registry to have a breed standard for Exotic Bullies and are one of the most extensive registers available anywhere in the world.
On their website, they make the claim that this breed is a new type of the American Bully, but in reality, it is one that has already undergone significant changes in the breed’s genetic makeup as a result of continuous infusions of other dog breeds that are classified as Bull types.
3. The International Bully Register (IBR):
IBR was founded in 2015 and initially utilized Facebook as its primary platform; however, over time, they transitioned to using Instagram for advertising their puppies. They referred to their American Bully Exotic and Micro Exotic Bully classes as their exotic classes.
IBR describes the American Bully Exotic as “an expansion of the ordinary American Bully. The American Bully Exaggerator possesses distinguishing characteristics in addition to a one-of-a-kind and enlarged body.” The American Bully Exotic was developed from the standard American Bully breed.
4. The US Bully Registry (USBR):
One of the registries that recognize a variety of bulldog breeds, including the Exotic Bully, is called the US Bully Registry, which also goes by the acronym USBR.
They say that their neighborhood is the only place in the country where all bully dog breeds are supported and loved in equal measure and that it also hosts the most competitive dog competitions in the country.
In 2013, they started to recognize the Exotic Bully as a breed and described them as a dog that is modest to medium in size and has a muscular build and a bulky head.
How Much Does an Exotic Bully Cost? Puppy Prices and Expenses
It does not mean that the price of the Exotic Bully will be lower simply because it is a smaller dog.As a result of the increasing demand for this breed, the cost of an Exotic Bully can run into thousands of dollars. It is also challenging to locate one that has been appropriately bred.
Depending on the breeder, pedigree, and quality of the bloodline, their prices can range anywhere from $5,000 to over $10,000.
This puppy comes with proper documentation, vaccinations, and health assurances if you bought them from a reputable breeder.
Places to Find Exotic Bully Puppies for Sale or Adoption:
In the event that you are currently on the hunt for a place from which you may buy a dog friend, the following is a list of locations that you should consider visiting:NWG Bullies
Since they began, this breeder has been producing dogs of the highest possible quality. They provide a purchase agreement in addition to a health guarantee with every puppy, which is quite important if you want to buy an Exotic Bully that is in good health.
Additionally, their puppies are recognized with the UKC, the USBR, the BBCR, and the ABKC, and they are all qualified for registration with other Bully clubs.
Toadline Exotic Bully
Their Exotic Bullies are shipped out with all of the necessary paperwork, a health certificate, and seven-day health assurance.
In addition to this, they offer a satisfaction guarantee that enables you to get your money back or return your puppy if you are not happy with your purchase. This is only valid if you let them know within the first 12 hours and if you bring the puppy back within the first 4 days.
Venom Line
You might also want to look into what they have to offer. They are well known for producing Bullies that are in good physical condition throughout their whole breeding program.
They will provide you with a contract, the papers necessary to register your vehicle, and, most crucially, a health certificate that was issued by a qualified veterinarian.
Fresno Bully Rescue
They offer available for adoption a wide variety of Bullies, including those of exotic breeds. They have both puppies and adult dogs, so you can choose which type of dog it is that you feel more comfortable caring for.
The age of the dog plays a factor in the cost of adoption, which can range anywhere from $125 to $220.
Don’t Bully Us Rescue
Don’t Bully Us Rescue is yet another organization that deserves your consideration. They can be found in the region surrounding Philadelphia and South Jersey.
Every one of their puppies and adult dogs has been microchipped, vaccinated, and examined by a vet.
Those who are between the ages of 6 and 8 months old have also already been spayed or neutered. The cost of their adoption fees ranges from $250 to $400, and it all depends on the age of the dog.
Is the Exotic Bully right for me?
Even if you have a thing for unusual and exotic animals as pets, we think the health of the dog should be your number one concern. Because the Exotic Bully isn’t the healthiest type of dog, you should consider getting a different breed that has a higher quality of life.Given the volume of material shown so far, we will now provide a concise overview of this breed by highlighting 10 major points.
Exotic Bully: 10 Key Takeaways
1. The American Bully was the inspiration for the creation of the Exotic Bully dog.2. The Exotic Bully is a relatively recent game that was released in 2008.
3. The cost of an Exotic Bully can range anywhere from $2,000 to $45,000.
4. Exotic Bullies are available in more than 20 official hues to choose from.
5. The Exotic Bully is available in both standard and small sizes.
6. Do you like it when your dog has wrinkles? The creases on Exotic Bully are stacked up in more than one layer!
7. Due to the genetics of their breed, exotic bully puppies may have health problems.
8. The American Kennel Club may not accept the breed standard for the Exotic Bully, but many other breeding groups do!
9. The American Bully and the Exotic Bully are not the same breeds of dogs.
10. Exotic Bullies are prone to weight and respiratory problems that affect dogs.
FAQ’s For The Exotic Bully
What Breeds Make Up An Exotic Bully?
The American Bully, English Bulldog, Old English Bulldog, and Short Bull are the ancestors of the vast majority of the Exotic Bullies that are available today. On the other hand, it’s possible that there are additional bulldog breeds that weren’t taken into account at all.
Is it Recommended That First-Time Owners Get an Exotic Bully?
When you get a new pet, it’s like adding a new member to the family. They constantly need to have the appropriate level of care provided for them.
As a result of their short coats, Exotic Bullies are low maintenance and simple to care for. They do not call for a significant amount of upkeep. In addition to this, they are incredibly simple to instruct. As a result of this, they are a fantastic choice for those who have never had a pet before but are looking to have one.
What About Exotic Bullies, Are They Aggressive?
A lot of people had the wrong idea about the Exotic Bully because of their Appearance; they thought that they were intimidating and violent. The Exotic Bully, on the other hand, is a naturally friendly breed, not just with humans but also with other canines.
How many distinct forms of bullying are there to choose from?
There are five distinct varieties of bulldogs, according to the American Bully Kennel Club’s classification system. They are categorized according to the sizes of their bodies. There is the Standard Bully, the Pocket Bully, the XL Bully, the Classic Bully, and the Extreme Bully.
Conclusion for Exotic Bully
The Exotic Bully is a breed of dog that is simple to care for, has a high level of sociability, and requires little attention. However, not everyone would benefit from doing so. You need to be aware of a variety of health issues that are more likely to occur in some breeds than in others.In comparison to the life expectancy of other dog breeds, theirs is significantly lower. They are also quite pricey to purchase.
Therefore, if you are searching for a companion for the long term, you might want to consider looking into other breeds of Bullies. Nevertheless, if you want a one-of-a-kind pet that has characteristics that stand out extremely clearly, then you should go ahead and purchase this puppy!
When you receive your Exotic puppy, make sure you don’t forget any of the advice you’ve picked up here because it will all come in very handy.