Vault 11 terminal entries (2024)

Vault 11 terminal entries are a series of terminal entries found on terminals in Vault 11.


  • 1 Terminal
    • 1.1 Security Recording: Vault Entrance
  • 2 Public terminals
    • 2.1 Vault 11 Election Guide
    • 2.2 Notice of Postponement
    • 2.3 Overseer Order 745
  • 3 Security terminal
    • 3.1 Deposition
  • 4 Personal terminal
    • 4.1 Security Recording
  • 5 Overseer's terminal
    • 5.1 Overseer Order 745
    • 5.2 Open Sacrificial Chamber
    • 5.3 Close Sacrificial Chamber
  • 6 Atrium terminal
    • 6.1 Prepared Speech of Gus Olson, Ombudsman, for the Annual Overseer Election
  • 7 Vault 11 mainframe
    • 7.1 Override Lockdown.
    • 7.2 System Recording: Vault 11 Solution
    • 7.3 Automated Response: Vault 11 Solution


Terminal is located on a table just beyond the Vault door. Reading it adds the Vault 11 note and the System recording: Vault 11 front entrance holodisk to the player's Pip-Boy.

Security Recording: Vault Entrance[]

Vault 11 terminal entries (1)

Voice 1: Are we really gonna do this? It's open. We could just leave.
Voice 2: I couldn't. Not after that.
Voice 3: We don't deserve to leave.
Voice 4: "A shining example." That's what it called us.
Voice 1: But we were! We did what we were supposed to.
Voice 5: Not by a long shot.
Voice 1: Anybody would've done what we did.
Voice 2: You ask me, that's exactly the problem. Now let's get on with this.
Voice 3: I'll go first.
Voice 1: Wait. Wait. People should know what happened. They could learn from it.
Voice 5: If there's anyone out there at all, I hope they never have to find out. Ready, Harry?
Voice 3: Yeah.
Voice 1: No no no, wait!
<Four gunshots in succession>
Voice 1: <Whimpers>
<Sound of a pistol dropping to the floor>

Vault 11 terminal entries (2)

Downloading... complete.

Public terminals[]

Vault 11 Election Guide[]

Vault 11 terminal entries (3)

Dear Fellow Vault Dweller:

Congratulations! Your dedication to the democratic process is the bedrock upon which the continued stability of Vault 11 is based. Now, to help you make your decision for this year's election, the Coalition of Vault 11 Voting Blocs has put together this handy Dweller's Official Guide to Obtaining Overseers Democratically, or D.O. G.O.O.D., that contains a summary of the leading candidates for Overseer as well as their statements, key positions, and most importantly, endorsem*nts.


Roy Gottlieb
Chairman, Coalition of Vault 11 Voting Blocs
President, Justice Bloc

Candidate: Henry Glover
Endorsem*nts: Utilitarian Bloc, Divine Will Bloc, Allied Service Workers Bloc
I'm a devoted husband and father of six beautiful children. My oldest, Sam, was on the honor roll this quarter, and I couldn't be prouder of him. My youngest, Henry Jr., just said his first word, and it was "Da-da." We've got this bond already and he's still just a baby. Friends, when you go to the polls this election, I want you to think of your own children. Then I want you to think of Sam and Henry Jr. Picture their faces. Nate Stone should be overseer, not me.

Candidate: Donna Haley
Endorsem*nts: Human Dignity Bloc, United Vault Technicians Bloc
I'm aware of the rumors circulating about me. I want everyone to know that they are vicious lies being spread by the other candidates in a desperate smear campaign. I have never in my life done anything so depraved, let alone four such things. But even if I had, that still wouldn't mean you should vote for me. Consider the fact that I am grossly underqualified for the position, and that both of my opponents are far more deserving. I know nothing about governance. You would be hard pressed to find a worse candidate than me. I can promise you my administration would be a disaster.

Candidate: Nathan Stone
Endorsem*nts: Justice Bloc
This is ridiculous. I shouldn't even be a candidate. And I wouldn't be if it weren't for all the dirty backroom politics going on around here. It's sickening. You should all be ashamed.

Vault 11 terminal entries (4)

Message Loading...

Notice of Postponement[]

Vault 11 terminal entries (5)

Fellow Citizens,

Due to the tragic events of the past few days, the Coalition of Vault 11 Voting Blocs has unanimously decided to postpone the election for overseer pending further investigation into the murders. Your security team wishes you to know that they are working tirelessly day and night to find the perpetrator, and are already following up on a number of promising leads. God willing, if the killer is apprehended swiftly, we may have found a promising new candidate for overseer.

Terry Hart
President, Human Dignity Bloc

Vault 11 terminal entries (6)

Message Loading...

Overseer Order 745[]

Vault 11 terminal entries (7)

Effective immediately, the traditional selection process for overseer is hereby ended. In lieu of a yearly election, a citizen will be chosen one month prior to the start of his or her term with our mainframe's random number generator, ensuring complete impartiality and fairness.

Katherine Stone

Vault 11 terminal entries (8)

Message Loading...

Security terminal[]

Can be found on the Vault 11 security terminal, southwest section of Vault 11's living quarters and is a deposition in the trial of Katherine Stone.

Vault 11 terminal entries (9)

Welcome, Officer.


Vault 11 terminal entries (10)

Excerpt from the deposition of the defendant Katherine Stone by Vault Attorney Gerard Miles

Q. Okay, let's pick up where we left off, Kate.
A. Katherine.
Q. Sorry, right. Katherine. I keep forgetting.
A. My husband calls me Kate.
Q. You were telling us of a discussion you allegedly had with Roy Gottlieb of the Justice Bloc.
A. Not allegedly. Had. We've been through this.
Q. It's still just your word against his, Ms. Stone. But please, the discussion.
A. [Sighs] He said my husband's name had come up in their meetings.
Q. The candidate endorsem*nt meetings?
A. Yes. They were going to endorse him. He wouldn't say why, but I know my husband had a regular poker game with some of them, and he'd been on a winning streak lately.
Q. And according to you, what did Mr. Gottlieb offer?
A. He said he could sway his bloc. Prevent the endorsem*nt. But only if I...
Q. Only if you what, Katherine?
A. Only if I...
Q. Only if you performed sexual favors.
A. Yes.
Q. Was this just for Mr. Gottlieb?
A. No. All the bloc leadership. Their friends.
Q. And you agreed.
A. What else could I do? They had a majority.
Q. How long did this go on before the endorsem*nts came out?
A. I don't know. A month, maybe.
Q. And when they came out, and your husband was endorsed despite your supposed agreement, was that when you decided to kill members of the bloc?
A. Yes. I thought, their majority is pretty slim. If I thinned things out a little, especially in the leadership, someone else might get elected.
Q. Assuming you weren't caught.
A. No, Mr. Miles. I expected to be caught. That was my best chance. Now they'll elect me.
Q. A confessed murderer? You think voters would be willing to risk putting you in charge?
A. They have to pick somebody and live with their reasons.
Q. Yes, but-
A. Wait and see.

Vault 11 terminal entries (11)

Message loading...

Personal terminal[]

Top entry of the personal terminal found in Vault 11's living quarters. Reading it gives the Courier the Justice Bloc HQ security tapes holotape.

Vault 11 terminal entries (12)

Welcome, Mr. Gottlieb.

Security Recording[]

Vault 11 terminal entries (13)

Voice 1: She can't do this.
Voice 2: It's done. We're done.
Voice 1: Nothing's done.
Voice 2: She's got the authority. The only thing she can't do is change her own fate. Nothing says she can't change the selection process for future overseers.
Voice 1: I say she can't.
Voice 2: You shouldn't have toyed with her like that, Roy.
Voice 1: We still have the majority.
Voice 2: We don't vote for anything anymore
Voice 1: I'm not talking about voting.
Voice 2: What, then? You want to have a sit-in? A hunger strike?
Voice 1: Not exactly.
Voice 2: Maybe march into her office with torches and pitchforks?
Voice 1: Yes.
Voice 2: Come on.
Voice 1: I mean it.
Voice 2: What, start a revolution?
Voice 1: Laws don't outlast their governments.
Voice 2: Roy, all we have to do is wait until someone from Justice Bloc gets picked for overseer. Then we have them change the law back.
Voice 1: There won't be any blocs after the new overseer is picked tomorrow. Everyone's going to move on. By the time we've reformed, who knows if we'll still be in the majority.
Voice 2: We can hold the bloc together.
Voice 1: You don't know that. Besides what if the computer picks you? What if it picks me?
Voice 2: And your solution is to start shooting?
Voice 1: Not if we don't have to. Look, we arm up. We go to the lower floors, we take some strategic targets. Power, food, water. Just until she turns authority to us.
Voice 2: The other blocs won't support it. They're tired of us having the power.
Voice 1: We have the majority. We don't need them.
Voice 2: This isn't a vote, Roy. They'll fight back.
Voice 1: They've never had the nerve.
Voice 2: Hell of a way to test it.

Vault 11 terminal entries (14)

Downloading... complete.

Overseer's terminal[]

Terminal is located in overseer's office in the lower level of the vault.

Vault 11 terminal entries (15)

Welcome, Overseer.

Overseer Order 745[]

Vault 11 terminal entries (16)

Effective immediately, the traditional selection process for overseer is hereby ended. In lieu of a yearly election, a citizen will be chosen one month prior to the start of his or her term with our mainframe's random number generator, ensuring complete impartiality and fairness.

Katherine Stone

Vault 11 terminal entries (17)

Message Loading...

Open Sacrificial Chamber[]

Vault 11 terminal entries (18)


Close Sacrificial Chamber[]

Vault 11 terminal entries (19)


Atrium terminal[]

Entry found on the Atrium terminal in Vault 11's lower level, northeast of the overseer's office. Reading it gives the Vault 11 overseer's terminal password.

Vault 11 terminal entries (20)

Welcome, Guest.

Prepared Speech of Gus Olson, Ombudsman, for the Annual Overseer Election[]

Vault 11 terminal entries (21)

Good afternoon. Each year it is the appointed task of the ombudsman not only to officiate the election, but to chronicle it in hopes that after the last overseer has finished his term and walked to his death in the chamber beneath his office, and the vault has become still, that one day some excavator from humanity or perhaps some yet-unknown race of super beings might find our records and incorporate them into historical canon.

But lately it's occurred to me that that's not really why. I think the real reason we do it is because we want to believe that somewhere in the archives there's an answer to all of this, or perhaps there will be one when the historical records are completed and the whole story is told. We want it to make sense. To understand why the vault's mainframe will kill us if we do not offer one of our own as a yearly sacrifice. To fully comprehend why we continue to have these elections despite the unfettered corruption that has plagued it for what must be decades by now. There was a simpler time when elections meant shaking hands and kissing babies. But now with the rise of the voting blocs and this infestation of bribery, drug trafficking, smuggling, and God knows what else, we want to know why.

Well I've been through the archives, and I can tell you you won't find the answer there. You'll find an account of the first overseer, who entered the vault as the only citizen aware of the sacrifices that would have to take place. But he didn't have the answers either. If he did, surely he would've foreseen the citizens' anger when he broke the news. Surely he would've guessed that they would want to choose a sacrifice democratically, in the way that we citizens are accustomed to washing our hands of terrible deeds, and that his name would be at the top of the polls, and that the simultaneous vacancy of overseer and martyr would forever fuse the two positions here in Vault 11. But he didn't. He had the answers no more than any of us, and the records state that after the citizens discovered that the sacrificial chamber's password was his wife Betty's first name, and its door was unsealed so he could be offered as the first sacrifice, he walked down into that room crying like a child.

I can only wonder if there are no answers to be found, and we are just going along with this because we don't see another choice. Nevertheless, I still hold onto hope that we can find one. I urge you all to take the journey I took - to remember that it wasn't so long ago that we were ruled by our civility and our dignity, and that those were times when we didn't have to be quite so ashamed. Thank you.

Vault 11 terminal entries (22)

Message Loading...

Vault 11 mainframe[]

Can be found in Vault 11's sacrificial chamber

Override Lockdown.[]

Vault 11 terminal entries (23)

Overriding... complete.

System Recording: Vault 11 Solution[]

Reading this entry adds the System recording: Vault 11 solution holodisk to the player's Pip-Boy.

Vault 11 terminal entries (24)

All right, I know you can hear me, so listen up. There's five of us left. Five. Out of... I don't know how many. So... it's over. We've talked and it's over. We're not going to send anybody to die anymore. So shut off our water or gas us or do whatever it is you're programmed to do. But we're done listening to you.

Vault 11 terminal entries (25)

Recording downloaded.

Automated Response: Vault 11 Solution[]

Reading this entry adds the Automated solution response holodisk to the player's Pip-Boy.

Vault 11 terminal entries (26)

Congratulations, citizens of Vault 11! You have made the decision not to sacrifice one of your own. You can walk with your head held high knowing that your commitment to human life is a shining example to us all. And to make that feeling of pride even sweeter, I have some exciting news. Despite what you were led to believe, the population of Vault 11 is not going to be exterminated for its disobedience. Instead, the mechanism to open the main vault door has now been enabled, and you can come and go at your leisure. But not so fast! Be sure to check with your overseer to find out if it's safe to leave. Here at Vault-Tec, your safety is our number one priority.

Vault 11 terminal entries (27)

Recording downloaded.

Vault 11 terminal entries (2024)


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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.