LEAKS NO MORE - HomeoPet (2024)

May help promote temporary relief from urinary incontinence or leaking that can occur in older pets, spayed females and neutered males.


weight (lb)drops per dose
animals less than 1lb2 in at least 8oz of water
over 10020


  • Dose medicine directly into mouth, in water or at meal/snack time
  • Administer one dose 3 times per day, as needed
  • First sign of improvement is reduced amount of leakage. When improvement is seen decrease frequency of dosing to twice daily, then once daily
  • A maintenance dose may be needed long-term to aid with incontinence. It is recommended to stop remedy for 48 hours every 3 months, then resume dosing at required level. Discontinue use when symptoms subside

SMALL MAMMALSsuch as rabbits, ferrets, hamsters and pot bellied pigs can be dosed by weight as for cats and dogs in previous section. For severe cases a drop can be diluted in 1 ml of water or other oral rehydration fluid and given to the patient orally, taking care to avoid aspiration of the fluid into the respiratory tract by the patient. 3 doses whose volume is appropriate to the size of the patient should be given from the diluted product over a 24 hour period, e.g. 2 drops for a mouse or small budgie, 4 drops for a large guinea pig. For acute cases it can be repeated as for cats and dogs in previous dosing section.
Contact your veterinarian if problems persist.


INDICATIONS:A homeopathic remedy that may help promote temporary relief from urinary incontinence or leaking that can occur in older pets, spayed females and neutered males.
ADMINISTRATION:Optimally, the liquid preparation should be dropped directly into the mucous membrane of the mouth including lips; ideally in dogs by pulling out the labial pouch, and in cats by raising the head until the mouth opens. Where an animal finds this distressful, or an owner is unable to comply, the medication can be put in the food, water or milk. Where animals are sensitive to the odor of the alcohol preservative, a 10-20 minute period should be allowed for dilution and evaporation before the liquid or food is presented to the patient. Occasionally, animals will shake their heads as a response to the alcohol preservative; cats may salivate excessively and in these cases, presenting it in food, water or milk works.
ADVERSE EFFECTS AND CONTRAINDICATIONS:None known, other than reversible effect of overdosage. Overdosage will result in a return of symptoms after the symptoms have initially disappeared.Where either increased anxiety or a return of symptoms occurs while on the medication, ceasing to use it will alleviate the effect.Patients who are hypersensitive to homeopathic preparations will show response to a single dose, which may not need to be repeated for some time.For this reason therapy should always start with a single dose and should a major response be seen, therapy should not be recommenced until symptoms relapse, and then only a single dose given for maximum effect. Although there is no evidence that there are any safety issues, extra care should always be taken when dealing with pregnant animals. Should a suspected adverse reaction be seen or advice needed, please contact HomeoPet LLC.Contact your veterinarian if problems persist.
DRUG INTERACTIONS: None known for animal use only. Keep out of reach of children.
PHARMACEUTICAL PRECAUTIONS:Store at room temperature, out of direct sunlight, and away from strong odors.
USER SAFETY: No adverse effects have been recorded. There have been reports to the company of beneficial rather than adverse effects. As homeopathics are active in humans, care is advised when handling product. Although a long history of homeopathics used in humans shows a very high safety margin.

AUTHORIZATION#, NDC#:61571-546-07


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INDICATIONS:A homeopathic remedy that may help promote temporary relief from urinary incontinence or leaking that can occur in older pets, spayed females and neutered males.
ADMINISTRATION:Optimally, the liquid preparation should be dropped directly into the mucous membrane of the mouth including lips; ideally in dogs by pulling out the labial pouch, and in cats by raising the head until the mouth opens. Where an animal finds this distressful, or an owner is unable to comply, the medication can be put in the food, water or milk. Where animals are sensitive to the odor of the alcohol preservative, a 10-20 minute period should be allowed for dilution and evaporation before the liquid or food is presented to the patient. Occasionally, animals will shake their heads as a response to the alcohol preservative; cats may salivate excessively and in these cases, presenting it in food, water or milk works.
ADVERSE EFFECTS AND CONTRAINDICATIONS:None known, other than reversible effect of overdosage. Overdosage will result in a return of symptoms after the symptoms have initially disappeared. Where either increased anxiety or a return of symptoms occurs while on the medication, ceasing to use it will alleviate the effect. Patients who are hypersensitive to homeopathic preparations will show response to a single dose, which may not need to be repeated for some time. For this reason therapy should always start with a single dose and should a major response be seen, therapy should not be recommenced until symptoms relapse, and then only a single dose given for maximum effect. Although there is no evidence that there are any safety issues, extra care should always be taken when dealing with pregnant animals. Should a suspected adverse reaction be seen or advice needed, please contact HomeoPet LLC.Contact your veterinarian if problems persist.
DRUG INTERACTIONS:None known for animal use only. Keep out of reach of children.
PHARMACEUTICAL PRECAUTIONS:Store at room temperature, out of direct sunlight, and away from strong odors.
USER SAFETY:No adverse effects have been recorded. There have been reports to the company of beneficial rather than adverse effects. As homeopathics are active in humans, care is advised when handling product. Although a long history of homeopathics used in humans shows a very high safety margin.
AUTHORIZATION#, NDC#:61571-546-07

LEAKS NO MORE - HomeoPet (2024)


LEAKS NO MORE - HomeoPet? ›

Leaks no More works very well at controlling the incontinence my 16 month old pup suddenly developed shortly after her spay and UTI. The thing is, it is a homeopathic remedy and you have to keep a close eye on dosing. I started with the three dosages per day during a long weekend when I could dose her that much.

Does leak no more work? ›

Leaks no More works very well at controlling the incontinence my 16 month old pup suddenly developed shortly after her spay and UTI. The thing is, it is a homeopathic remedy and you have to keep a close eye on dosing. I started with the three dosages per day during a long weekend when I could dose her that much.

What medication is used for incontinence in cats? ›

Veterinarians prescribe Proin (phenylpropanolamine) to treat primary urinary incontinence in cats. Giving the correct dosage of Proin is key to avoiding side effects such as appetite loss or restlessness.

Is HomeoPet safe for dogs? ›

Veterinary Formulated.

Farrington and his veterinarian brother Thomas Farrington created HomeoPet to bring high-quality, safe, natural, and affordable treatments and supplements to pets and pet parents worldwide. Simple, Safe & Pure with no known side effects and has been safely used long term.

Why does my cat leak urine while sleeping? ›

Possible causes

Any illness or injury that interferes with normal urinary control can cause urinary incontinence. Anatomical abnormalities, bladder inflammation (cystitis), spinal cord injuries, and partial urinary obstructions are some of the most common reasons a cat will develop urinary incontinence.

What is the best product to stop a water leak? ›

Epoxy putty: Epoxy putty is a two-part compound that can be mixed together to form a strong adhesive. It's ideal for sealing leaks in pipes and can be used on both metal and plastic pipes. Epoxy putty is also resistant to chemicals and can be used on surfaces that come into contact with water.

Is using stop leak bad for your engine? ›

One-off emergency use will not necessarily do your engine any harm, but repeated use can do more harm than good. After a while excess additives often settle and clog up the system.

What are the side effects of HomeoPet? ›

There are no known side effects to date. However, if a pet is susceptible to homeopathy, an improvement may be seen in as little as one dose, and if the medicine is continued at full dosing schedule, an aggravation of symptoms may occur. Ceasing to use medicine will alleviate symptoms.

What are the side effects of HomeoPet sinus? ›

Safe for dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, hamsters, ferrets and pot-bellied pigs of all ages. Manufactured under an FDA registered process. No known side effects from any HomeoPet products.

What is the strongest natural antibiotic for dogs? ›

The Top Natural Antibiotics for Dogs
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Apr 16, 2024

Why did my cat pee on me when I picked her up? ›

Cats spray urine to mark their territory with their scent, but might also pass urine in inappropriate places when they are stressed, anxious, or scared. Cats might not feel able to use their litter box if they are unwell, frightened, or in pain, which can result in them peeing on their owner.

Is incontinence a reason to put a cat down? ›

Furthermore, incontinence can lead to bedsores and worse in cats who lie in urine or feces because they can't move or won't move. If a cat has untreatable urinary or fecal incontinence that is unmanageable or in conjunction with other terminal disease, then it may be time to consider euthanasia.

How long can a cat hold its pee? ›

They can still have water to drink the night before and morning of - most cats can hold their urine quite well for 24-48 hours and are unlikely to urinate in their carrier.

How long does it take for leak stop to work? ›

DIRECTIONS. Add entire bottle of stop leak to engine oil at or between oil changes. Leaks usually stop in 200 miles or 3 days of driving. If leak continues, a second application may be required or mechanical attention is needed.

Do stop leak products work? ›

Even if you were to replace the radiator itself, there would still be remnants of the stop leak throughout the vehicle's cooling system. At Wrench, we do not recommend that you ever use any of these types of products on your vehicle because the damage it causes will far exceed the money you may have saved.

Can a leak just stop? ›

Recent experiments discovered that a leak from a small hole in a vertical pipe can sometimes stop spontaneously. Katharine Jensen of Williams College in Massachusetts and her colleagues now explain this unexpected behavior by studying the energy of the “capping” droplet that seals the leak [1].


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Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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